
Showing 1 - 10 of 16 Publications
National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction (2022 Edition)
The National Prequalification System (NPS) delivers a harmonised framework for roadworks and bridgeworks construction contracts. Companies wishing to submit tenders to Australian road agencies for these contracts must be prequalified under the NPS.
Webinar: Guide to Project Delivery Parts 2 and 3 Update
Two parts of the Austroads Guide to Project Delivery &ndash
Guide to Project Delivery Part 3: Contract Management
The Guide to Project Delivery consists of five parts. Part 3 is concerned with the procurement and management of road construction contracts. It covers in detail, key processes and procedures relating to documentation and contract administration. It…
Webinar: Procurement Decision Tool: A Case Study of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
This webinar, presented by Adrian Bridge on 31 July 2020, provides an overview of a new procurement decision tool and its application to a road infrastructure project, the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) in Queensland. The procurement…
Procurement Decision Tool: A Case Study of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
The procurement decision tool (&ldquo
General Conditions of Contract for Construction - National Capital Works 4 (NCW4)
General Conditions of Contract for Construction - National Capital Works 4 (NCW4) has been developed for use in “construct only” contracts where the principal is a government or semi-government agency.
Webinar: General Conditions of Contract for Construction - National Capital Works 4 (NCW4)
This webinar, presented on 25 July 2019, provides an overview of the new General Conditions of Contract for Construction - National Capital Works 4 (NCW4), released by Austroads and the Australian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC).
Guidelines: National Prequalification System for Precast Concrete Products
This new National Prequalification System (NPS) documentation is made available to road agencies and industry to enable the new specialist category for precast concrete to be formally introduced into the NPS.
National Prequalification System: Inclusion of Specialist Precast Concrete Categories
This report presents the outcomes of the harmonisation work undertaken by Austroads to develop new specialist precast concrete categories for inclusion in the Austroads National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction…
New Prequalification Categories Proposed: Steel Fabrication and Pre-cast Concrete Products
In late 2014 Austroads sought feedback on a proposal to add two new specialist categories to Australia’s National Prequalification System.