
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Publications
Motorised Mobility Devices: Stakeholder Feedback and Project Finalisation
This report collates stakeholder feedback provided in response to a Discussion Paper Motorised Mobility Devices Discussion Paper: Establishing a Nationally Consistent Framework and Adopting Technical Specification 3695.3.2018 circulated in August…
Vehicle Registration and Driver Licensing in Australia, New Zealand and Europe: A Comparison Study
This report provides a comparison of vehicle registration and driver licensing practices between Australia, New Zealand and Europe. It builds on the Vehicle and Driver Chain framework, initiated by RDW (The Netherlands Vehicle Authority) in 2001,…
Education and Training for Drivers of Assisted and Automated Vehicles
This report documents the outcomes of research designed to: examine what role, if any, registration and licensing authorities should undertake to ensure that licence applicants are competent in the use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS
Multi-Combination Driver Training and Assessment
The move towards the National Driver Licensing Scheme requires drivers who wish to drive multi-combination (MC) class vehicles to undertake an approved training course. This will require licensing jurisdictions to have a consistent approach to the…
Model Licence Re-assessment Procedure for Older and Disabled Drivers
Licensing in Australia is determined by each state with large differences in the requirements for re-licensing of older drivers. Unlike Australia, New Zealand has national requirements. In the majority of these jurisdictions, re-licensing of older…