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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Publications
Guidelines for the Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in Incident Response
Use of truck-mounted attenuators (TMAs) improves responder and road user safety around incident sites. The Guidelines for the Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in Incident Response are intended to provide direction for practitioners where positive…
Guidelines for the Design and Procurement of Incident Response Vehicles
Incident response vehicles (IRVs) are used to attend incident sites to make the sites safer and provide recovery services to affected networks, vehicles and persons. They are tailor-made vehicles designed with specific considerations for the safety…
Austroads Extended Vehicle Classification Scheme for Traffic and Transport Surveys
Austroads extended vehicle classification scheme builds on the influential 1994 scheme. The extended scheme provides greater granularity across the 12 classes in the 1994 scheme. It also provides a new classes for: active transport to address the…
Guide to Traffic Management Part 3: Transport Studies and Analysis Methods
Guide to Traffic Management Part 3: Transport Study and Analysis Methods is concerned with the collection and analysis of traffic data for the purpose of traffic management and traffic control within a network. It serves to ensure some degree of…
Guide to Asset Management Processes Part 9: Asset Information Management Systems and Data
Part 9 of the Guide to Asset Management aims to guide asset managers into an informed selection and implementation of an appropriate asset management information system (AMIS) for their organisation. This guidance includes clearly defining all…