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Showing 31 - 40 of 54 Publications
Guide to Traffic Management Part 7: Activity Centre Transport Management
Guide to Traffic Management Part 7: Activity Centre Transport Management is concerned with the planning and management of centres typified by high levels of internal activity and interaction, especially by people on foot. It addresses the need to…
Webinar: Integrating Safe System with Movement and Place with for Vulnerable Road Users
This webinar, presented by Dr Bruce Corben on 26 March 2020, demonstrates ways to integrate Safe System design and operation with Movement and Place for vulnerable road users, in particular pedestrians and cyclists. The Movement and Place Framework…
Integrating Safe System with Movement and Place for Vulnerable Road Users
The Movement and Place Framework is increasingly used to guide transport planning in delivering a more integrated transport system to improve customer outcomes and support a range of user groups. Work is already underway in some jurisdictions to…
Australian Cycling Participation 2019
The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since March/April 2011, with minor changes to the survey structure between 2011 and 2013. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at…
Webinar: Developing the Data to Support Heavy Vehicle Road Reforms
This webinar, presented on 14 March 2019, provides an update on the Austroads’ project to develop the data to support the Heavy Vehicle Road Reforms.
Webinar: Level of Service Requirements for Freight on Rural Roads and Refinement of Heavy Vehicle Roughness Band Index
This webinar, presented on 31 January 2019, provides an overview of Austroads' study that proposes a ride quality index of roads for heavy vehicles, a heavy vehicle equivalent of the International Roughness Index (IRI) for cars.
Level of Service Requirements for Freight on Rural Roads and Refinement of Heavy Vehicle Roughness Band Index
Following on from previous work, the purpose of this project was to complete an investigation of subjective ratings of ride quality of A, B and C roads in Victoria while driving a passenger car and a range of heavy vehicles.
Guide to Asset Management Processes Part 4: Customer Needs and Expectations and Levels of Service
Part 4 of the Guide to Asset Management provides guidance to asset management planners responsible for managing consultation processes with customers, including industry stakeholders, road users and the community.
Asset management Strategy for Road-related Assets (Safety Infrastructure)
The provision and maintenance of safety infrastructure such as safety barriers and safety fences enhances roadside safety and vehicle movement and reduces the risk of road crashes and their severity. This report provides guidance for the management…
Shared Path Bridges over Warringah Road Frenchs Forest, Sydney, Australia
As part of the Northern Beaches Hospital Connectivity and Network Enhancement Project, Warringah Road is being upgraded and widened to accommodate grade separation. The upgrade includes two new shared path bridges, at Forest Way and Hilmer Street,…