
Publication State
Showing 31 - 40 of 95 Publications
Registration, Licensing and CTP Insurance Issues Associated with Automated Vehicles
This report considers the potential impacts on vehicle registration, driver licensing and compulsory third party (CTP) insurance arrangements that might arise from the introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) in Australia and New Zealand.
The Forrest Review: Driver Licensing and Barriers to Indigenous Economic Participation
The Forrest Review recommends that all Australian State and Territory Governments “introduce a consistent approach to issuing ‘provisional’ locked licences for people who are unable to drive due to unpaid fines or other traffic infringements, so…
Traffic Impact Estimation Tool for Small Intersection Projects: User Guide
This User Guide is a practical ‘how-to’ guide to using the Small Intersection Evaluation (SIE) Tool.
Development of the Traffic Impact Estimation Tool for Small Intersection Projects
This report describes the development of an economic evaluation tool for small intersection projects (including signed intersections, roundabouts and signalised intersections) that can be used by practitioners working with basic traffic data to…
Austroads Learning to Drive
The Austroads Learning to Drive handbook is part of a toolkit designed to improve driver licensing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in remote communities.
Options to Extend Coverage of Alcohol Interlock Programs
Despite high levels of community education and sustained enforcement, alcohol-related crashes and drink-driving offences continue to pose a threat to road safety.
Road Crash Injuries: Cost and Prevention
This in-depth crash investigation study was conducted to provide information about the causes and costs of a sample of serious (hospitalised) injury crashes in NSW.
Summary of Literature of the Effective Components of Graduated Driver Licensing Systems
This report provides the results of a review of literature examining the effectiveness of different components of graduated driver licensing (GDL).
Development of the Australasian Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool
This report documents the research undertaken to develop a standardised tool to help practitioners select the most appropriate pedestrian crossing facility for a particular site.
Social Costs of Road Crashes in Australia: The Case for Willingness-to-pay Values for Road Safety
This report provides a broad indication of the methodology, project components, expertise available and indicative costs required to produce a robust national willingness to pay (WTP) estimate of the social cost of Australian road crashes.