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Showing 21 - 27 of 27 Publications
Review of Sign Size for Electronic Regulatory Speed Signs
This report documents research to determine if the size of electronic regulatory speed signs (ERSS), such as variable speed limit signs, could be reduced without adversely impacting efficiency of driving or safety.
A Discussion Paper on Elements of Graduated Licensing Systems for Motorcycle Riders
This report summarises an international review of effective motorcycle rider licensing systems and interventions. It details elements of best practice for motorcycle graduated licensing based on novice motorcycle risk patterns and practice from…
Traffic Management and Infrastructure - Lessons from In-depth Crash Investigations
This report discusses infrastructure and traffic management issues identified in an examination of approximately 700 crash investigations conducted in metropolitan and rural areas of South Australia. Current traffic management and engineering…
The Road Safety Consequences of Changing Travel Modes
Understanding the extent of changes in modal shift and their consequences in terms of road deaths and injuries is essential if we are to fully understand progress towards the targets of the National Road Safety Strategy, and the actions that may be…
Classification of Motorcycles as a Distinct Vehicle Class
Austroads project Classification of motorcycles as a distinct vehicle class aims to test whether motorcycles can be identified as a separate class of vehicle based on distance between axles. Motorcycles are currently classified as light vehicles…
Further aspects of the relationship between geometric features and crashes
This project had its origins in an earlier project which showed that crash rates increased at extremes of horizontal and vertical geometry, and were lowest with narrow sealed shoulders. This paper reports an investigation based on the original…
Balance between Harm Reduction and Mobility in Setting Speed Limits: A Feasibility Study
This project has been funded by Austroads to develop, trial and evaluate a new system for setting speed limits based on harm reduction principles. This first, feasibility stage of the project has consisted of three main tasks: a literature review…