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Showing 41 - 50 of 68 Publications
This Pavement Work Tip details the profiling or cold planning of asphalt pavements, a process that removes uneven areas of pavement to allow the placement of  new, uniform surface.
Webinar: Appropriate Use of Marginal and Non-standard Materials in Road Construction and Maintenance
This webinar, presented on 17 July 2018, outlines ways to optimise the use of marginal and non-standard materials and gain best value from the successful performance of standard materials. It covers: applying a proposed assessment process to a wider…
Appropriate Use of Marginal and Non-standard Materials in Road Construction and Maintenance
This report considers the use of marginal and non-standard materials in road construction and maintenance. It concludes that considerable evidence exists, both nationally and internationally, that supports the wider use of marginal and non-standard…
Application of Accessibility Measures
Accessibility is broadly defined as the variety of opportunities provided to people through efficient arrangement of land use and various modes of transport. It measures the ease with which people are able to find and reach the best suited…
Road Safety Engineering Risk Assessment Part 11: Road Safety and Maintenance
To assist member authorities in the management of road assets to provide better safety outcomes, this research program has been developed to assess the safety implications of road deterioration, the safety benefits of asset restoration, and the…
Road Safety Engineering Risk Assessment Part 4: Treatment Life for Road Safety Measures
All road and traffic authorities need to direct their funding wisely to road safety treatments that ensure the most cost-effective returns in crash and injury reductions. In order to do this, accurate information is required on the expected benefits…
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 6: Unsealed Pavements
Part 6 of the Guide to Pavement Technology addresses unsealed pavements including operational demands of unsealed road surfaces, pavement configurations, floodways, cuts, fills and mine haul roads, the identification of suitable pavement materials…
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 10: Subsurface Drainage
Part 10: Subsurface Drainage provides advice on the general requirements for drainage materials, design of pavement drains and construction and maintenance considerations. This Part contains information on the types and uses of subsurface drainage…
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 7: Pavement Maintenance
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 7: Pavement Maintenance provides broad guidance on current routine maintenance practices for sealed pavements suitable for use by both supervisory and field staff. 
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 4: Pavement Materials
The selection of pavement materials is a critical element in the design, construction and maintenance of pavements if performance is to be optimised and whole of life costs minimised. This part of the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology provides…