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Showing 31 - 35 of 35 Publications
Procurement of ITS (International Practice)
This report documents the findings from investigation of international ITS procurement practices through a literature review, case studies and interviews with stakeholders. A total of 14 case studies from six selected countries namely the US, UK,…
Best Practice Guidelines for Procurement of ITS Solutions
This report documents how Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions are currently procuring a range of Intelligent transport systems (ITS) solutions and recommends ways jurisdictions could improve their ITS procurement practices.
Balancing Traffic Density in a Signalised Network
The current practice of balancing traffic density or distributing traffic evenly in a road network is essentially subjective and is achieved manually through expert opinions. This report summarises these expert opinions and investigates whether…
Guidelines for Setting-up and Operation of Signalised Intersections with Red Light Cameras
The literature has produced mixed results on the effectiveness of red light cameras on crashes. Various Australian studies have shown crash reductions varying from 7% to 46%. Different studies also report different results in the crash types that…
Competition in the Supply of Roadworks to Government
This report provides updated information on the competitive supply of roadworks to Government. It compliments a previous broad survey undertaken under National Transport Planning Framework and provides trend data to show a steadily increasing trend…