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Showing 1 - 10 of 29 Publications
Optimising Project Delivery Performance (Accelerated Projects)
This report provides practical advice and examples of ways to successfully accelerate transport infrastructure projects and programs up to $500 million. An accelerated project or program has delivery expedited, typically in response to external…
Multimodal Incident Management: Research, Principles and Capability Framework
This report details research into the ways transport agencies manage unplanned incidents that impact the normal operation of more than one transport mode. It includes 10 guiding principles and a capability framework. Road agencies need guidance on…
Investment Prioritisation Templates and User Guide
This user guide provides guidance on the Investment Prioritisation Templates. The templates are designed to help road authorities consider an investment opportunity through multiple dimensions, such as the benefits of the project, and risk with and…
A Holistic Investment Prioritisation Framework for Road Assets
This report proposes a holistic and risk based prioritisation framework to support investment decisions across road asset classes and expenditure categories. Transport agencies currently rely on different decision making frameworks to help identify…
Procurement Decision Tool: A Case Study of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
The procurement decision tool (&ldquo
Integrating Safe System with Movement and Place for Vulnerable Road Users
The Movement and Place Framework is increasingly used to guide transport planning in delivering a more integrated transport system to improve customer outcomes and support a range of user groups. Work is already underway in some jurisdictions to…
Australian Cycling Participation 2019
The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since March/April 2011, with minor changes to the survey structure between 2011 and 2013. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at…
Australian Cycling Participation 2017
The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since March/April 2011, with minor changes to the survey structure between 2011 and 2013. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at…
Bicycle Safety at Roundabouts
This report investigates how the geometric design components of a roundabout may contribute to bicycle crashes.
Bicycle Parking Facilities: Updating the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management

This report provides recommended content for inclusion in the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 11: Parking.

This content guides the design of bicycle parking facilities and helps identify appropriate provisions of bicycle parking and end-of-…