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Showing 1 - 10 of 22 Publications
Background to the Extended Austroads Vehicle Classification Scheme for Traffic and Transport Surveys
Safe, efficient and sustainable road transport relies on the accurate classification and identification of vehicles operating on our road networks. Accurate vehicle surveys support the planning and management of road assets and the regulation of…
Management of Traffic Modelling Processes and Applications
This report provides advice to project managers who may not have specific technical experience in the modelling field to assist in commissioning and managing services in Simulation (Mesoscopic and Microscopic) and Intersection modelling services. It…
Classifying, Measuring and Valuing the Benefits of Place on the Transport System
This report explores and draws together the ways in which place is classified, measured and valued from a transport perspective. Through a literature review, the study captured the way place was being measured and valued by a range of different…
Procurement Decision Tool: A Case Study of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
The procurement decision tool (&ldquo
Decarbonisation of Road Transport Network Operations in Australia and New Zealand
There is a considerable focus on vehicle electrification as the primary driver of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the roads sector. Austroads commissioned the development of this Issues Paper to assess the specific relevance of the greenhouse…
Procurement of ITS (International Practice)
This report documents the findings from investigation of international ITS procurement practices through a literature review, case studies and interviews with stakeholders. A total of 14 case studies from six selected countries namely the US, UK,…
Best Practice Guidelines for Procurement of ITS Solutions
This report documents how Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions are currently procuring a range of Intelligent transport systems (ITS) solutions and recommends ways jurisdictions could improve their ITS procurement practices.
Application of Accessibility Measures
Accessibility is broadly defined as the variety of opportunities provided to people through efficient arrangement of land use and various modes of transport. It measures the ease with which people are able to find and reach the best suited…
Forecasting Inter-regional Freight Transport from Regional Development
Describes a forecasting and scenario-testing model for freight flows between regions of Australia (by 16 commodities, by all modes).
A Review of Access Management Practice
This report reviews and compares processes and tools for access management employed in Australia and New Zealand. It highlights both commonalities and wide variations in practice in dealing with proposals for new points of access (driveways and…