
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Publications
Investment Prioritisation Templates and User Guide
This user guide provides guidance on the Investment Prioritisation Templates. The templates are designed to help road authorities consider an investment opportunity through multiple dimensions, such as the benefits of the project, and risk with and…
Webinar: A Holistic Investment Prioritisation Framework for Road Assets
Currently road authorities rely on multiple different decision making-frameworks to help identify investment opportunities for the road network. The framework used often varies depending on the nature of the expenditure. For example, cost benefit…
A Holistic Investment Prioritisation Framework for Road Assets
This report proposes a holistic and risk based prioritisation framework to support investment decisions across road asset classes and expenditure categories. Transport agencies currently rely on different decision making frameworks to help identify…
Maintenance Techniques to Reduce Social and Environmental Impacts
Selection of maintenance techniques is always a balance between the administering authority costs and social and environmental costs and outcomes. This project provides practical information and a methodology (including a worked example) for…