
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Publications
Webinar: Zebras and Wombats: Factchecking 'False Sense of Security'
Decisions on how transport agencies provide for people walking to safely cross the roads has been greatly influenced by historical research, that has in the past failed to examine the infrastructure design and lacked behavioural data. This webinar,…
Assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers
Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task involving perception, appropriate judgement, adequate response time and appropriate physical capability. A range of medical conditions, disabilities and treatments may influence these driving prerequisites.…
Webinar: Effectiveness and Implementation of Raised Safety Platforms
Raised Safety Platforms (RSPs) are a vertical deflection device increasingly used to reduce the maximum comfortable operating speed for vehicles to Safe System collision speeds, particularly at intersections. While the use of vertical deflection…
Effectiveness and Implementation of Raised Safety Platforms
The purpose of this report is to provide clarity around the design and operation of raised safety platforms and deepen understanding of leading international practice across a range of applications and performance dimensions. A review of literature…
Traffic Management and Infrastructure - Lessons from In-depth Crash Investigations
This report discusses infrastructure and traffic management issues identified in an examination of approximately 700 crash investigations conducted in metropolitan and rural areas of South Australia. Current traffic management and engineering…
Balance between Harm Reduction and Mobility in Setting Speed Limits: A Feasibility Study
This project has been funded by Austroads to develop, trial and evaluate a new system for setting speed limits based on harm reduction principles. This first, feasibility stage of the project has consisted of three main tasks: a literature review…