
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Publications
Webinar: Strategic Review of the Guide to Traffic Management
Austroads Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM) has been a valuable resource for industry, particularly amongst traffic engineering and operations cohorts. The transport context is evolving rapidly, and a strategic review identified that a new approach…
Best Practice Guidance to Meet the Changing Needs of Transport Network Operations: Strategic Review of Austroads Guide to Traffic Management
This study aims to set a clear plan for the evolution of the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management to ensure it continues to meet the needs of users and remains a critical resource for member agencies and industry. The study was undertaken over…
Webinar: Standardisation of ITS Technology Asset Management Datasets
This webinar, presented on 5 December 2019, provides an overview of the first version of the standardised condition and performance datasets for intelligent transport systems (ITS) assets. ITS assets are technologies placed in vehicles and…
Standardisation of ITS Technology Asset Management Datasets
This report documents the first version of harmonised ITS asset performance and condition data specifications, which was developed via practice review, stakeholder consultation and case studies. The data specifications cover 155 ITS asset data items…
An Approach to the Validation of Road Traffic Noise Models
This document has been prepared by Austroads as a guide to the preparation and assessment of validation studies of traffic noise prediction models, and represents the final outcome of a project with the following key objectives: - the development of…