
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Publications
Network Design for Road Safety (Stereotypes for Cross-sections and Intersections): User Guide
This user guide provides guidance to road managers, planners and designers on achieving improved safety outcomes by applying consistent standards along a road corridor. Thirteen road stereotype tables were identified covering the road network from…
Road Cross-section Design for Road Stereotypes (including Network Safety Plans) and a Safe System
This report summarises activities undertaken to produce guidance on road cross-section design for road stereotypes during stage 1 and 2 of this project. The guidance enables road managers, planners and designers to achieve improved safety outcomes…
Education and Training for Drivers of Assisted and Automated Vehicles
This report documents the outcomes of research designed to: examine what role, if any, registration and licensing authorities should undertake to ensure that licence applicants are competent in the use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS