
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Publications
Guidelines for the trials of automated vehicles in Australia 2023
These guidelines set out criteria that must be addressed in any application for an automated vehicle trial. The guidelines aim to provide clear guidance on matters that should be addressed by trialling organisations as part of the trialling process…
Code of Practice for the Management of Alkali Aggregate Reactivity Template
The Code of Practice for the Management of Alkali Aggregate Reactivity template has been developed for the use of Austroads member agencies. The document outlines the management strategies, testing and approval process required to regulate alkali…
Mapping Comparison: Guide to Temporary Traffic Management and Australian Standard 1742.3 (2009)
This document maps the content from the superseded AS1742.3 (2009) to either the revised standard AS1742.3 (2019) or Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management. The 2019 update of AS1742.3 by Standards Australia resulted in the removal of…
General Conditions of Contract for Construction - National Capital Works 4 (NCW4)
General Conditions of Contract for Construction - National Capital Works 4 (NCW4) has been developed for use in “construct only” contracts where the principal is a government or semi-government agency.