
Publication State
Webinar: Older Road Users - Emerging Trends
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of the emerging trends in crash involvement among older road users, aged 75 years and over. It is presented by Dr Matthew Baldock, Deputy Director of the Centre for Automotive Safety Research at the…
Older Road Users: Emerging Trends
This report identifies trends in crash involvement amongst older road users (aged 75+).
Force Ratio of Polymer Modified Binders (ARRB Extensiometer)
This test method sets out the procedures for the determination of the force ratio and toughness of bitumen and PMBs under specific conditions of deformation using the ARRB extensiometer.
Road Safety Environment and Design for Older Drivers
While older drivers do not currently represent a significant road safety problem in Australasia, they are over-represented in serious injury and casualty crashes per head of population, probably due to their frailty. Further to this, the population…
Model Licence Re-assessment Procedure for Older and Disabled Drivers
Licensing in Australia is determined by each state with large differences in the requirements for re-licensing of older drivers. Unlike Australia, New Zealand has national requirements. In the majority of these jurisdictions, re-licensing of older…