
Publication State
Accelerated Long-term Ageing Methods for Sprayed Sealing Binders: A Field Validation Study
This report presents the results of a field validation study conducted as part of the development of a new long term ageing test for polymer modified binders used in sprayed seals in Australia. Unaged samples of binders were collected during the…
Webinar: Development of a Sprayed Seal Binder Cracking Test
This webinar, presented on 8 August 2019, provides an overview of an Austroads project that developed a new sprayed seal binder cracking test and compared the performance of polymer modified binders (PMBs).
Performance of Asphalt and Spray Grade PMBs in Sprayed Seals
The Australian polymer modified binder (PMB) specification (AGPT/T190) currently requires different binder grades to be used in sprayed sealing and asphalt applications. This study compared the sprayed seal performance of PMBs representing four AGPT/…
Australian National Risk Assessment Model
The Australian National Risk Assessment Model (ANRAM) helps road agencies identify fatal and serious injury (severe) crash risk across all parts of the road network. ANRAM helps road agencies manage this risk through development of treatment…
Model National Guidelines for Setting Speed Limits at High-risk Locations
This report incorporates recent research, best practice examples, and jurisdictional inputs to propose a set of model national speed limit guidelines for setting speed limits at high-risk locations. The model guidelines represent a harm reduction…
Shear Properties of Polymer Modified Binders (ARRB ELASTOMETER)
This test method sets out the procedures for the determination of consistency, consistency 6%, stiffness and elastic recovery of polymer modified binders (ARRB elastometer), under specific conditions of deformation, using the elastometer developed…