
Webinar: Minimum Levels of Componentisation for Road Infrastructure Assets
This webinar, presented on 11 September 2018, provides an overview of Austroads’ Guideline for Minimum Levels of Componentisation for Road Infrastructure Assets, and how to apply it.
Minimum Levels of Componentisation for Road Infrastructure Assets: Guideline
The purpose of this guideline is to assist organisations determine the appropriate minimum level of componentisation for road infrastructure assets. This guideline is designed to facilitate improved integration and alignment of asset management,…
Minimum Levels of Componentisation for Road Infrastructure Assets: Background Research
This report details the background research that underpins the Minimum Levels of Componentisation for Road Infrastructure Assets: Guideline.It provides background information to support organisations with implementation of the Guideline and includes…
Webinar: Best Practice in Road Safety Infrastructure Programs
This webinar, presented on 15 May 2018, provides best practice recommendations for the development of Road Safety Infrastructure Programs (RSIPs) that align with the safe system approach.
Webinar: Towards Safe System Infrastructure
This webinar, presented on 10 May 2018, provides an overview of the new Austroads compendium of knowledge on Safe System treatments and real world experience in the practical application of solutions that can mitigate crash severity. It outlines…
Best Practice in Road Safety Infrastructure Programs
This report provides best practice recommendations for the development of Road Safety Infrastructure Programs (RSIPs) that align with the safe system approach.
Towards Safe System Infrastructure: A Compendium of Current Knowledge
This report provides a compendium of knowledge on Safe System treatments and identifies real world experience in the practical application of solutions that can mitigate crash severity.
Webinar: Safe System Infrastructure on Mixed Use Arterials
This webinar, presented on 8 February 2018, outlines ways to improve safety and achieve Safe System outcomes on mixed use arterial roads. The webinar was presented by Dr Blair Turner and Kenn Beer. The presentation slides and Q+A can be downloaded…