
Improving the Performance of Safe System Infrastructure: Stage 1 Interim Report

This report summarises the findings from the first year of a three-year study which reviews the safety performance of road infrastructure elements identified as Safe System solutions. The first stage sought to identify these solutions and to…

Asset Management Within a Safe System
This report documents the outcomes of an Austroads project which considered the asset management implications of the new Safe System approach and investigated what implementing a Safe System would mean for asset managers. The report provides a…
Developing Measures to Reduce Unlicensed Driving
This report considers countermeasures to reduce the incidence of unlicensed driving on Australian roads.
Safe System Demonstration Project Involving an Indigenous Community: Implementation
This document reports on the implementation phase of the Indigenous Safe System Demonstration Project in Bidyadanga, Western Australia. In this phase a funding strategy was developed for the implementation plan which was prepared in the second half…