
Community Attitudes to Road Freight Vehicles
This report describes the perceived impact of heavy freight vehicles using major freight routes on people living or working close to such routes. The literature obtained, and the experience of relevant stakeholders, suggested that noise and…
Strategies for Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Increased Night-Time Operations of Road Freight: A Scoping Study
It is predicted that the Australian road freight task will more than double between 2000 and 2020. The Australian heavy vehicle industry estimates that the increased road freight task will result in the addition of approximately 50,000 trucks to the…
Review of Recent Developments in Road Pricing, Including Freight Phase 1: Key issues and experience
This study reviews recent developments in road pricing for managing road travel demand and congestion, and identifies potential pricing mechanisms to facilitate freight modal choice based on marginal social costs including environmental and other…
Review of Recent Developments in Road Pricing, Including Freight Phase 2: Possible applicability of road pricing in Australasia
This report provides an analysis of road pricing from a technical perspective to inform road authorities in Australia and New Zealand of some of the key issues involved. A key objective is to provide advice on what is required to identify and…