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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Publications
Webinar: An Introduction to the Austroads Design Vehicles and Turning Path Templates
This 2013 presentation by the ARRB Group provides an introduction to the Austroads Design Vehicles and Turning Path Templates.
Guide Information for Pedestrian Facilities
This review of research, newly published material and emerging practice has identified areas where additional advice and guidance on pedestrian facilities can be incorporated into the Austroads Guides. Greater recognition of the importance of…
Catering for People with Disabilities: Issues Paper
This report is the result of a review into the issues associated with best
Road Safety Environment and Design for Older Drivers
While older drivers do not currently represent a significant road safety problem in Australasia, they are over-represented in serious injury and casualty crashes per head of population, probably due to their frailty. Further to this, the population…
Drugs and Driving in Australia
The effects of alcohol on drivers in reducing abilities and increasing the risk of being involved in road crashes is well known. In principle, any substance affecting the central nervous system can affect the abilities required to safely control a…
Drink Driving and Enforcement: Theoretical Issues and an Investigation of the Effects of Three Enforcement Programs in Two Rural Communities in Australia
This study addressed aspects of the ongoing drink-driving problem in rural areas of Australia, and further developed a recent theoretical account of the decision-making processes that might underlie the effect of enforcement on behaviour. The study…