
Publication State
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Practical Driver Testing Guideline
This Guideline describes common Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) functions and their operational characteristics, including their limitations, and the conditions under which they may be allowed during on-road driver testing. The Guideline…
Webinar: NHVDCF Consultation RIS Online Briefing
In 2022 Austroads encouraged drivers, employers and trainers to have their say on proposed changes to heavy vehicle driver licensing in Australia. The changes are documented in a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (C-RIS) which sought feedback…
Assessing Fitness to Drive: Implementation Strategy 2022
This report describes the proposed Strategy for implementation of Assessing Fitness to Drive for consideration by the Austroads Board. It has been developed based on the Implementation Framework endorsed by the Austroads Board in 2021, together with…
Assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers
Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task involving perception, appropriate judgement, adequate response time and appropriate physical capability. A range of medical conditions, disabilities and treatments may influence these driving prerequisites.…
A Discussion Paper on Elements of Graduated Licensing Systems for Motorcycle Riders
This report summarises an international review of effective motorcycle rider licensing systems and interventions. It details elements of best practice for motorcycle graduated licensing based on novice motorcycle risk patterns and practice from…
The New Australian Standard AS 5100 Part 9: Timber Bridges
Timber bridges are enjoying a revival around the world for pedestrian and vehicular use. There are several reasons for this. Growing interest in reducing CO2 emissions and increasing sustainability has paved the way in part. New and innovative use…
Rehabilitation of Coonamit Bridge Over Wakool River, Swan Hill
The Coonamit Bridge is a Dare-type timber truss road bridge and was built in 1929. It is a representative example of a Dare timber truss road bridge and is assessed as being of state heritage significance, primarily on the basis of its technical and…