
Publication State
Vehicle Registration and Driver Licensing in Australia, New Zealand and Europe: A Comparison Study
This report provides a comparison of vehicle registration and driver licensing practices between Australia, New Zealand and Europe. It builds on the Vehicle and Driver Chain framework, initiated by RDW (The Netherlands Vehicle Authority) in 2001,…
Webinar: An Australian Drink Driving Policy and Regulatory Framework
This webinar, delivered on 9 April 2020, examines alcohol related road trauma and reports on the differing legislation, penalty and enforcement policies and practices in place across Australian jurisdictions. It recommends improvements in policy and…
Education and Training for Drivers of Assisted and Automated Vehicles
This report documents the outcomes of research designed to: examine what role, if any, registration and licensing authorities should undertake to ensure that licence applicants are competent in the use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS
Effectiveness of Drink Driving Countermeasures: National Policy Framework
This report provides an Australian policy and regulatory framework to encourage effective reforms to reduce and prevent drink driving and riding. The key recommendations to reduce drink driving across Australia include: extending 
Webinar: Improving Driver Licensing Programs for Indigenous Road Users and Transitioning Learnings to Other User Groups
This webinar, presented on 27 February 2019, provides an overview of the barriers to driver licensing program access experienced by Indigenous people and ideas on potential common underpinnings for future policy and program design, data collection…
Improving Driver Licensing Programs for Indigenous Road Users and Transitioning Learnings to Other User Groups
Lack of appropriate access to driver licensing services is a barrier to employment, economic participation and access to government and non-government services by Indigenous people and other road user groups. This project provides: • service design…
A Discussion Paper on Elements of Graduated Licensing Systems for Motorcycle Riders
This report summarises an international review of effective motorcycle rider licensing systems and interventions. It details elements of best practice for motorcycle graduated licensing based on novice motorcycle risk patterns and practice from…