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Showing 1 - 10 of 11 Publications
Webinar: NSW Movement and Place Framework
Movement and Place is a multi-disciplinary, place-based approach to the planning, design, delivery and operation of transport networks. It broadens our thinking about our roads and streets beyond their functional role in supporting movement - they…
Webinar: Multimodal Incident Management
Road agencies increasingly recognise the value of coordination and cooperation with public transport operators in responding to road and transport incidents, as it helps support a more holistic and integrated multimodal approach to minimising…
Multimodal Incident Management: Research, Principles and Capability Framework
This report details research into the ways transport agencies manage unplanned incidents that impact the normal operation of more than one transport mode. It includes 10 guiding principles and a capability framework. Road agencies need guidance on…
Assessing Fitness to Drive: Implementation Strategy 2022
This report describes the proposed Strategy for implementation of Assessing Fitness to Drive for consideration by the Austroads Board. It has been developed based on the Implementation Framework endorsed by the Austroads Board in 2021, together with…
Assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers
Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task involving perception, appropriate judgement, adequate response time and appropriate physical capability. A range of medical conditions, disabilities and treatments may influence these driving prerequisites.…
Network Design for Road Safety (Stereotypes for Cross-sections and Intersections): User Guide
This user guide provides guidance to road managers, planners and designers on achieving improved safety outcomes by applying consistent standards along a road corridor. Thirteen road stereotype tables were identified covering the road network from…
Webinar: Transport Modelling for Project Managers
This webinar, presented by Bryan Li on 9 July 2020, provides an overview of a resource designed to equip practitioners who may not have specific technical experience in transport modelling with clear and practical guidance to help make informed…
Road Cross-section Design for Road Stereotypes (including Network Safety Plans) and a Safe System
This report summarises activities undertaken to produce guidance on road cross-section design for road stereotypes during stage 1 and 2 of this project. The guidance enables road managers, planners and designers to achieve improved safety outcomes…
Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Strategies
Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Strategies provides guidance on traffic management at a network level. It addresses network needs of the various categories of user, the characteristics of various types of network and,…
Webinar: An Australian Drink Driving Policy and Regulatory Framework
This webinar, delivered on 9 April 2020, examines alcohol related road trauma and reports on the differing legislation, penalty and enforcement policies and practices in place across Australian jurisdictions. It recommends improvements in policy and…