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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Publications
Webinar: Best Practice in Smart Motorways Operations
The operation of smart motorways is a subset of broader transport operations and relies on complex organisational arrangements with highly specialised capabilities to manage a growing number of assets, follow a wide range of operational scenarios,…
Webinar: NSW Movement and Place Framework
Movement and Place is a multi-disciplinary, place-based approach to the planning, design, delivery and operation of transport networks. It broadens our thinking about our roads and streets beyond their functional role in supporting movement - they…
Assessing Fitness to Drive: Implementation Strategy 2022
This report describes the proposed Strategy for implementation of Assessing Fitness to Drive for consideration by the Austroads Board. It has been developed based on the Implementation Framework endorsed by the Austroads Board in 2021, together with…
Assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers
Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task involving perception, appropriate judgement, adequate response time and appropriate physical capability. A range of medical conditions, disabilities and treatments may influence these driving prerequisites.…
Guide to Road Safety: Set
Easy access to all parts of the Guide to Road Safety