
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Publications
Preventing Crashes Involving Intoxicated Pedestrians Stage 1 Report:The extent and Nature of the Problem Stage 2: An Analysis of Australian Coronial Records, 1999-2001
A literature review carried out as an earlier stage of this project concluded that there is a dearth of information regarding the basic circumstances of alcohol-affected pedestrian crashes. The present study reports a detailed analysis of crashes…
Environmental Management Tools for Road Maintenance Contracts
The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist road agencies and their contractors in developing a systems approach in the management of environmental issues. The guidelines are structured in four parts to allow the reader to readily access…
Assessment Techniques and Tools for Rural Accessibility
Current approaches to national road network planning generally focus on links and corridors in themselves and do not allow the assessment of each link as a component of the network as a whole. This document describes a study to demonstrate the…
Drugs and Driving in Australia
The effects of alcohol on drivers in reducing abilities and increasing the risk of being involved in road crashes is well known. In principle, any substance affecting the central nervous system can affect the abilities required to safely control a…
Drink Driving and Enforcement: Theoretical Issues and an Investigation of the Effects of Three Enforcement Programs in Two Rural Communities in Australia
This study addressed aspects of the ongoing drink-driving problem in rural areas of Australia, and further developed a recent theoretical account of the decision-making processes that might underlie the effect of enforcement on behaviour. The study…
Road Agency Responsibilities Part A: State Road Authority Practices in Reviewing Responsibilities for Roads
Comparison of the efficiency and effectiveness of practices used by road agencies to deliver their services can contribute to the identification and implementation of national best practice in this regard. This report is aimed at documenting and…