
Heavy Vehicle Safety in Rural and Remote Areas

Road safety in rural and remote areas of Australia and New Zealand continues to be a major area of concern. Analysis of crash data also shows that a substantial proportion of crashes in these areas involve heavy vehicles. On average there have been…

Evaluation of the Safety Impact of Centre-of-the-road Wire Rope Barrier (WRB) on Undivided Rural Roads

The benefits of using modern wire rope fences along roadsides as a safety barrier are well documented. Increasingly, this form of safety barrier treatment is being used in wide medians along divided carriageways for new freeways and motorways across…

Development of a Best Practice Intervention Model for Recidivist Speeding Offenders

Speed-related crashes are a continuing concern in Australasia. On behalf of Austroads, ARRB Group undertook to develop a framework for an intervention to promote safe driving among recidivist speeders.

Five key tasks were carried out: a literature…