
Trial of a Model Licence Re-Assessment Procedure for Older Drivers: Stage 3 Research
There is a widespread claim that older drivers are over-represented in crashes, particularly when crash figures are adjusted for distance travelled. There are numerous reasons suggested for this increased risk, including the increased frailty…
Audit of Rest Areas Against National Guidelines
At its February 2006 meeting, Council of Australian Governments requested that a national audit of heavy vehicle Rest Areas be carried out against a nationally agreed standards (National Guidelines for Provision of Rest Area Facilities). The audited…
Implications of Intelligent transport systems for High Risk Road Users and High Risk Situations
High risk road contribute disproportionately to road deaths and injuries, and to the total costs of road trauma. The purpose of this study was to identify high risk groups in the driving population, assess the potential for ITS and in-vehicle…
Self-Regulation of Older Drivers: A Review
Drivers aged 65 years and over are over-represented in serious injury and fatal crashes in this country and elsewhere and these figures are expected to increase up to threefold with the projected increase in the proportion of the elderly in the…
Drink-Driving Enforcement: Issues in Developing Best Practice
Drink-driving enforcement is a key component of road safety programs in all jurisdictions in Australasia, with comprehensive enforcement programs that seek both to apprehend offenders and to deter potential offenders. This project was established to…