
Publication State
National Harmonisation of Temporary Traffic Management Practice: Benefit–cost Analysis
This report details an economic evaluation of Austroads&rsquo
Webinar: Benefits and Costs of Providing a Minimum Physical Infrastructure Standard for the Operation of Automated Driving
Physical road infrastructure such as pavement markings and signals may have an important role to play to support the uptake of automated vehicles (AVs). Austroads has recently completed a project to provide road agencies with clear advice on…
Minimum Physical Infrastructure Standard for the Operation of Automated Driving
These reports provide guidance on infrastructure investment to help transport agencies achieve timely, consistent and adequate infrastructure readiness for the operation of current and future automated vehicles. Physical road infrastructure such as…
Economic Evaluation of Road Investment Proposals: Overtaking Lanes - An International Review
This report describes the results of a review of international literature undertaken in 2002 on the evaluation and application of intermittent overtaking lanes on two-way roads in rural traffic environments. This report also contains a comprehensive…