
Publication State
Updating Environmental Externalities Unit Values
This report provides updated unit costs and price indices used to estimate environmental costs in the economic evaluation of Australian road infrastructure and transport projects.
The New Australian Standard AS 5100 Part 9: Timber Bridges
Timber bridges are enjoying a revival around the world for pedestrian and vehicular use. There are several reasons for this. Growing interest in reducing CO2 emissions and increasing sustainability has paved the way in part. New and innovative use…
Rehabilitation of Coonamit Bridge Over Wakool River, Swan Hill
The Coonamit Bridge is a Dare-type timber truss road bridge and was built in 1929. It is a representative example of a Dare timber truss road bridge and is assessed as being of state heritage significance, primarily on the basis of its technical and…
Quantifying the Benefits of High Productivity Vehicles
This report outlines the direct and indirect benefits of High Productivity Vehicles (HPV) in Australia. Direct benefits examined include safety, productivity, fuel and environmental savings. An attempt has also been made to estimate indirect…
Use of Auxiliary Brakes in Heavy Vehicles
This report reviews the use of auxiliary brakes by drivers of heavy vehicles on long and steep descents. The research was in response to a number of serious incidents involving runaway trucks on long, steep grades and continued noise complaints from…