
Publication State
Updating Environmental Externalities Unit Values
This report provides updated unit costs and price indices used to estimate environmental costs in the economic evaluation of Australian road infrastructure and transport projects.
The New Zealand Transport Agency Guide to Bridge Painting
The New Zealand Transport Agency (Transport Agency) has recently published ‘Protective Coatings for Steel Bridges: A Guide for Bridge and Maintenance Engineers’. This was prepared by the authors to optimise the long-term capital and maintenance…
Establishing Compliance of Steel Mill Products: A Comparison Between Australian Steel Standards and the Corresponding American Standards
Australian steel standards have stringent requirements in regard to product conformity. According to Australian structural steel standards, the acceptance of steel is conditional on the evidence of compliance provided in rigorous mill test reports/…
Changes in The Standards for Managing Corrosion of Bridges in the Future
This paper describes the changes made to two of the Australian Standards, AS/NZS 2312:2002 – ‘Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings’ and AS 2832.1:2004 – ‘Cathodic protection of…
Lane Rental: Contract Options, Practices, Benefits and Disbenefits
A form of contract, lane rental was developed to facilitate major motorway rehabilitation contracts in the United Kingdom in the 1980s, and has since been used in the United States. Lane rental contracts are a performance-based contract where road…
Road Investment Profiles and Potential Environmental Consequences
The State of the Environment Report (DEST, 1996, p.3-50) states that road planning priorities with an "emphasis ... on providing high-capacity roads to fringe and coastal areas" has led to dispersed land use that is now under question. Certainly…
Monitoring of Steel Corrosion in Concrete
Concrete is the dominant material of construction in the more than 12,000 bridges and major culverts managed by road authorities in Australia and New Zealand. With an ageing asset, concrete durability is becoming an increasingly significant issue…
Implications for the Road Transport Sector of Tax Reform
The Federal Government's tax reform package (A New Tax System - ANTS) involves however a range of changes in the taxation of goods and services, especially transport fuel, the nature of social security and the level of income tax paid by individuals.…