
Publication State
Quantifying the Benefits of High Productivity Vehicles
This report outlines the direct and indirect benefits of High Productivity Vehicles (HPV) in Australia. Direct benefits examined include safety, productivity, fuel and environmental savings. An attempt has also been made to estimate indirect…
Use of Auxiliary Brakes in Heavy Vehicles
This report reviews the use of auxiliary brakes by drivers of heavy vehicles on long and steep descents. The research was in response to a number of serious incidents involving runaway trucks on long, steep grades and continued noise complaints from…
Enforcement Guidelines: Assessment of Load Restraint Breaches
These guidelines are designed to support nationally consistent implementation of the national model legislative provisions of the Road Transport Reform (Compliance and Enforcement) Bill approved by Australian Transport Ministers in November 2003.…
Guidelines for the Practical Application of New Chain of Responsibility Provisions
The purpose of this document is to provide administrative guidelines that are consistent with the national model Road Transport Reform (Compliance and Enforcement) Bill (the
Further aspects of the relationship between geometric features and crashes
This project had its origins in an earlier project which showed that crash rates increased at extremes of horizontal and vertical geometry, and were lowest with narrow sealed shoulders. This paper reports an investigation based on the original…