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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Publications
National ITS Architecture: ITS Business Architecture
A key initial step in the development of the National ITS Architecture for Australia is to build the conceptual ITS Business Architecture platform on which subsequent and more detailed architectural models can be built.
National ITS Architecture: Context and Vision
The proposed Australian National ITS Architecture is intended to allow transport agencies and ITS–related organisations describe and develop ITS solutions using a consistent terminology and content.
A Discussion Paper on Elements of Graduated Licensing Systems for Motorcycle Riders
This report summarises an international review of effective motorcycle rider licensing systems and interventions. It details elements of best practice for motorcycle graduated licensing based on novice motorcycle risk patterns and practice from…
Procurement of ITS (International Practice)
This report documents the findings from investigation of international ITS procurement practices through a literature review, case studies and interviews with stakeholders. A total of 14 case studies from six selected countries namely the US, UK,…
Defining Applicability of International Standards for Intelligent transport systems (ITS): Final Report.
This is the final report of Austroads Project NS1524 that aims to address the need to improve Australian practice in Intelligent transport systems through greater knowledge and utilisation of international practices. The purpose is to identify those…
The Road Safety Consequences of Changing Travel Modes
Understanding the extent of changes in modal shift and their consequences in terms of road deaths and injuries is essential if we are to fully understand progress towards the targets of the National Road Safety Strategy, and the actions that may be…
Classification of Motorcycles as a Distinct Vehicle Class
Austroads project Classification of motorcycles as a distinct vehicle class aims to test whether motorcycles can be identified as a separate class of vehicle based on distance between axles. Motorcycles are currently classified as light vehicles…
Reviewing ITS Technologies and Road Safety Opportunities
Meeting road safety targets will be assisted by the deployment of a range of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) technologies which are already available or which will become available over the next few years. A recent Austroads study involved a…