
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Publications
The Interface between Traffic Control Software and Control Module Software in the AATSC

This report clarified the logical architecture required to facilitate the implementation of ‘plug-in’ traffic control software, as an alternative to the control algorithm in the current controller software. The key functional requirements of an…

SCATS and STREAM Interface through the SCATS ITS Port

This report documented current activities amongst road agencies in Australia on the SCATS/STREAMS interface through the SCATS Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Port, and identified a set of 26 functional requirements for this interface to guide the…

Implementing National Best Practice for Traffic Control at Worksites - Risk Management, Auditing and Field Operations
This report outlines what is considered national best practice for the planning, design and implementation of temporary traffic control measures at road work sites. Information and advice in the areas of risk management, compliance safety…
Traffic Control at Worksites - Training and Accreditation
Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads provides a national standard for the establishment of temporary traffic control arrangements at roadwork sites. Each jurisdiction has a different requirement for the training and accreditation of personnel…
The Use of Microsimulation Traffic Models for On-road Public Transport
This study looked into four on-road public transport (ORPT) priority treatments including: full bus lane (FBL), set back bus lane (SBBL), queue jump bus lane (QJBL) and no priority (NP). Microsimulation traffic modelling (MSTM) is a useful tool for…
Emerging Telecommunication Developments in WAN/LAN for Intelligent transport systems
This report provides the background information on analog and digital communication and a review on the WAN and LAN technologies currently used by road agencies. It also describes the future WAN/LAN technologies including their use within the new…