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Showing 1 - 10 of 23 Publications
Assessing Fitness to Drive: Implementation Strategy 2022
This report describes the proposed Strategy for implementation of Assessing Fitness to Drive for consideration by the Austroads Board. It has been developed based on the Implementation Framework endorsed by the Austroads Board in 2021, together with…
Assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers
Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task involving perception, appropriate judgement, adequate response time and appropriate physical capability. A range of medical conditions, disabilities and treatments may influence these driving prerequisites.…
Classifying, Measuring and Valuing the Benefits of Place on the Transport System
This report explores and draws together the ways in which place is classified, measured and valued from a transport perspective. Through a literature review, the study captured the way place was being measured and valued by a range of different…
Webinar: Older Road Users - Emerging Trends
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of the emerging trends in crash involvement among older road users, aged 75 years and over. It is presented by Dr Matthew Baldock, Deputy Director of the Centre for Automotive Safety Research at the…
Older Road Users: Emerging Trends
This report identifies trends in crash involvement amongst older road users (aged 75+).
Safe System in the Planning Process
The Safe System concept has the objective of eliminating deaths and serious injuries, with the guiding principle that everyone, including planners, share responsibility for creating a safe road system. Good planning and design sets the foundation…
Application of Accessibility Measures
Accessibility is broadly defined as the variety of opportunities provided to people through efficient arrangement of land use and various modes of transport. It measures the ease with which people are able to find and reach the best suited…
Older Driver Model Assessment Program: Stage 4 - Vaildation of Screening Tests to Assess At-Risk Older Drivers
Older drivers are over represented in serious injury and fatal crash rates based on distance travelled. While their physical frailty is a contributing factor, ageing may also result in unacceptably diminished driving skills for a minority of older…
Trial of a Model Licence Re-Assessment Procedure for Older Drivers: Stage 3 Research
There is a widespread claim that older drivers are over-represented in crashes, particularly when crash figures are adjusted for distance travelled. There are numerous reasons suggested for this increased risk, including the increased frailty…
Assessing Responsibility for Older Drivers Crashes
The issue of older driver crash responsibility has been explored first, through the analysis of Australian national fatality data, 1996-1999, which contain attributions of responsibility made by coroners, police or by independent data coders.…