
Publication State
Providing for Road User Error in the Safe System
This project investigated the feasibility and cost of moving towards a truly Safe System infrastructure. The key feature of such an infrastructure is that it be designed to preserve safety in the face of driver fallibility.
Operational Management of Arterial/Managed Motorway Interfaces for Network Optimisation
Signalised interchanges and ramp metering are major components of the interface between the arterial road system and the motorway system. The control systems of motorways and arterials are often treated as separate control components, which can…
Implications of Intelligent transport systems for High Risk Road Users and High Risk Situations
High risk road contribute disproportionately to road deaths and injuries, and to the total costs of road trauma. The purpose of this study was to identify high risk groups in the driving population, assess the potential for ITS and in-vehicle…
Towards a Nationally Consistent Approach to Route Identity
These guidelines have been prepared to assist Australian state and territory road agencies to implement principles for a national approach to rural route numbering. These principles have been agreed by Transport Ministers to provide a four-tier…
Self-Regulation of Older Drivers: A Review
Drivers aged 65 years and over are over-represented in serious injury and fatal crashes in this country and elsewhere and these figures are expected to increase up to threefold with the projected increase in the proportion of the elderly in the…