
Older Driver Model Assessment Program: Stage 4 - Vaildation of Screening Tests to Assess At-Risk Older Drivers
Older drivers are over represented in serious injury and fatal crash rates based on distance travelled. While their physical frailty is a contributing factor, ageing may also result in unacceptably diminished driving skills for a minority of older…
Impact of LATM Treatments on Speed and Safety
The aim of this project was to establish the effectiveness of key Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) treatment types in reducing traffic speeds and in reducing the risk of crashes on local roads in Australia. A review of recent literature (post-…
Self-Regulation of Older Drivers: A Review
Drivers aged 65 years and over are over-represented in serious injury and fatal crashes in this country and elsewhere and these figures are expected to increase up to threefold with the projected increase in the proportion of the elderly in the…