
Publication State
Reassessment of the Benefits and Impacts of the Use of High Productivity Vehicles on Australian Highway Pavements
This report reassesses the benefits and impacts of using High Productivity Vehicles (HPVs) and proposes a method to consistently quantify pavement vertical loading of an individual vehicle design.
Developing Braking Standards for Heavy Vehicles to Brake Effectively and Safely on Steep Declines
This report proposes a new rule for inclusion in the Performance Based Standards scheme, adding a requirement for applicant vehicles to meet a minimum level of auxiliary braking performance. The purpose of the new rule is to ensure that PBS vehicles…
Performance Based Standards Level 1 Length Limit Review
This report outlines the application of a methodology developed for assessing the impact of a potential length increase for PBS Level 1 vehicles, based on the assessment criteria identified and discussed in workshops conducted in 2011. Fifty-five…