
Publication State
Rural Bridge Cost Benefit Analysis and Inclusion Within an Investment Program
Economic analysis can inform investment decisions around proposed bridge projects. This paper outlines the evaluative techniques and methodologies used in appraising a proposed bridge replacement and approach realignment project located in rural…
Methods for Reducing Speeds on Rural Roads: Compendium of Good Practice
This compendium presents information on speed as a contributor to rural road crashes. It provides information on treatments that can be used to address speed, either at key locations (curves, intersections or the approach to towns) or for routes in…
Investigation of Internal Bus Safety Measures
The recent report Review of the School Bus Safety Action Plan (AP-R207, 2002) detailed the implementation of a range of school bus safety measures by jurisdictions and also provided a methodology for refining and prioritising measures contained in…
Review of the School Bus Safety Action Plan: Final Report
At the request of the Australian Transport Council, ARRB Transport Research was commissioned by Austroads in 1999 to undertake a review of school bus safety in Australia. This study reviewed current practice and research in relation to school bus…
Improving the Integration of Public Transport Services
This report: defines the problems faced by public transport service provides and agencies in ensuring efficient delivery of multi-modal public transport journeys