
Publication State
Webinar: Improved Traffic Management Guidance: On-Road Public Transport Priority Tool
On-road public transport (ORPT) priority treatments improve public transport&rsquo
Webinar: Effectiveness and Implementation of Raised Safety Platforms
Raised Safety Platforms (RSPs) are a vertical deflection device increasingly used to reduce the maximum comfortable operating speed for vehicles to Safe System collision speeds, particularly at intersections. While the use of vertical deflection…
Webinar: Guide to Traffic Management Part 13: Road Environment Safety (2017 Edition)
This webinar, presented on 16 November 2017, provides an overview of the key changes to the Guide to Traffic Management Part 13, such as updated information on driver workload and the Safe System, and incorporation of a discussion on human factors.…
Webinar: Prioritising On-Road Public Transport
This webinar, presented on 26 September 2017, provides guidance on improved on-road public transport drawn from the experience of jurisdictions in Australia, New Zealand and overseas. The webinar was presented by Alison Lee and Graham McCabe. The…
Prioritising On-Road Public Transport
On-road public transport provides the ability for people to move between their homes, employment, recreation and services efficiently with less road space being required per passenger than private car use. In response to this, practitioners in many…
Safety at Road Worksites: Stage 1 Working Papers
This report details contemporary practices to mitigate risk and improve safety at road worksites.