
Publication State
Cone Penetration of Hot Poured Joint Sealant
This test method describes the procedure for determining the cone penetration of a joint sealant at 25 
Flow Properties of Hot Poured Joint Sealant
This test method describes the procedure for determining the resistance of hot poured joint sealants to flow at a temperature of 70 °
Preparation of Hot Poured Joint Sealant for Laboratory Testing
This test method sets out the procedure to be used to prepare joint sealant samples for testing.
Heat Degradation of Hot Poured Joint Sealant
This test method describes the procedure for determining the degree to which a joint sealant is degraded by heat during prolonged storage (6 
Bituminous Pavement Crack Sealing
Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3470 sets out the requirements for: the supply of hot placed elastomeric / crumb rubber joint sealant
Webinar: Austroads Project Pipeline 2022-23
This webinar introduces Austroads new projects lined up for the 2022-23 financial year. The session is most beneficial to consultants who may be interested in tendering for Austroads projects. Upcoming projects focus on road network resilience,…
Best Practice Speed Information Management
This report summarises the findings of a review of current practices relating to speed information management (i.e. speed limits and operating speeds) in Austroads jurisdictions. As speed information management is an emerging topic, current…
Webinar: Perceptual Countermeasure Treatments to Reduce Crash Risks in Tunnels
Road tunnels are major pieces of infrastructure across the road network, and the number of tunnels is expected to increase in the coming years. Although they are relatively safe, a significant number of crashes occur on the approaches to and within…
Use of Perceptual Countermeasure Treatments to Reduce Crash Risks in Tunnels
This report evaluates selected low-cost perceptual countermeasure (PCM) treatments in tunnel environments. PCM treatments are used to reduce crash risk by improving driver speed behaviour, alertness and lane discipline within tunnels. Two key…
Guide to Road Safety: Set
Easy access to all parts of the Guide to Road Safety