
Publication State
Rural Bridge Cost Benefit Analysis and Inclusion Within an Investment Program
Economic analysis can inform investment decisions around proposed bridge projects. This paper outlines the evaluative techniques and methodologies used in appraising a proposed bridge replacement and approach realignment project located in rural…
Providing for Road User Error in the Safe System
This project investigated the feasibility and cost of moving towards a truly Safe System infrastructure. The key feature of such an infrastructure is that it be designed to preserve safety in the face of driver fallibility.
Investigation of Key Crash Types: Run-off-road and Head-on Crashes in Urban Areas: Final Report
This report collates research into factors contributing to the incidence and severity of run-off-road and head-on collisions on urban roads in Australia and New Zealand. It also identifies possible measures to reduce the incidence and severity of…
Methods for Reducing Speeds on Rural Roads: Compendium of Good Practice
This compendium presents information on speed as a contributor to rural road crashes. It provides information on treatments that can be used to address speed, either at key locations (curves, intersections or the approach to towns) or for routes in…
Assessment Techniques and Tools for Rural Accessibility
Current approaches to national road network planning generally focus on links and corridors in themselves and do not allow the assessment of each link as a component of the network as a whole. This document describes a study to demonstrate the…
Drink Driving and Enforcement: Theoretical Issues and an Investigation of the Effects of Three Enforcement Programs in Two Rural Communities in Australia
This study addressed aspects of the ongoing drink-driving problem in rural areas of Australia, and further developed a recent theoretical account of the decision-making processes that might underlie the effect of enforcement on behaviour. The study…
Relationship between Crash Risk and Geometric Characteristics of Rural Highways
This paper reports a study which brings together information on road geometry (curvature and grade), cross-section, traffic flow and crashes. It allows the influence of these other factors on road crashes to be assessed in ways not possible before.…