
National View on Regional and Remote Road Safety
Road crash fatality rates continue to be unacceptably higher in regional and remote areas than major cities. This report provides a comprehensive investigation of the causes of road crashes in regional and remote Australia and gives strategic…
Embedding Safe System in the Guide to Traffic Management
This report provides the outcomes of a Safe System review of the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM). The AGTM is a series of documents providing guidance for practitioners involved in traffic engineering, road design and road safety, and…
Safe System Demonstration Project Involving an Indigenous Community: Literature Review and Methods
In 2009, the Indigenous Road Safety Working Group received support from Austroads to fund a demonstration project – a Safe System audit of an Indigenous community in Australia. The George Institute for Global Health (under the previous title of The…
Safe System Demonstration Project Involving an Indigenous Community: Audit and Implementation
In 2009, the Indigenous Road Safety Working Group received support from Austroads to fund a demonstration project – a Safe System audit of an Indigenous community in Australia. The George Institute for Global Health (under the previous title of The…