
Publication State
Safe System Roads for Local Government
Australian and New Zealand local governments manage extensive road networks. Previous reporting indicates local government-managed roads represent 82 and 88% of the length of all public roads in both countries, respectively. As local roads, they…
Achieving Safe System Speeds on Urban Arterial Roads: Compendium of Good Practice
This compendium presents information on speed as a contributor to urban arterial road crashes. It provides information on treatments that can be used to address speed at intersections and midblock locations.
Distraction and Attitudes Towards Safe Pedestrian Behaviour
Pedestrians account for around 14% of Australian road deaths annually. International research suggests that pedestrian distraction from smart phones may lead to greater risk of trauma. Ownership of smart phones in Australia is high, suggesting this…
Safe System Assessment Framework
This report proposes an assessment framework designed to help road agencies methodically consider Safe System objectives in road infrastructure projects.
Improving the Performance of Safe System Infrastructure: Final Report
This report summarises the findings of a three-year study which reviewed the safety performance of selected road infrastructure elements and provided solutions that were more closely aligned with the Safe System ideal.
Safety Management Systems for Road Agencies ISO 39001 and the Next Step Towards a Safe Road Transport System
This report promotes a systematic approach to road traffic safety within road agencies using ISO 39001 as the template.
Safe System in the Planning Process
The Safe System concept has the objective of eliminating deaths and serious injuries, with the guiding principle that everyone, including planners, share responsibility for creating a safe road system. Good planning and design sets the foundation…
Review of the National Road Safety Strategy
This report details the results of a review of the 2011 Australian National Road Safety Strategy (NRSS) designed to identify new countermeasures or changes in trauma patterns that would support changes to priorities in the next Action Plan.
Providing for Road User Error in the Safe System
This project investigated the feasibility and cost of moving towards a truly Safe System infrastructure. The key feature of such an infrastructure is that it be designed to preserve safety in the face of driver fallibility.
Investigation of Key Crash Types: Run-off-road and Head-on Crashes in Urban Areas: Final Report
This report collates research into factors contributing to the incidence and severity of run-off-road and head-on collisions on urban roads in Australia and New Zealand. It also identifies possible measures to reduce the incidence and severity of…