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Showing 1 - 10 of 11 Publications
Guidelines for the Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in Incident Response
Use of truck-mounted attenuators (TMAs) improves responder and road user safety around incident sites. The Guidelines for the Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in Incident Response are intended to provide direction for practitioners where positive…
Guidelines for the Design and Procurement of Incident Response Vehicles
Incident response vehicles (IRVs) are used to attend incident sites to make the sites safer and provide recovery services to affected networks, vehicles and persons. They are tailor-made vehicles designed with specific considerations for the safety…
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Driver Education Guideline
The presence and use of technology in light vehicles has been increasing at a steady rate for several years. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Driver Education Guide provides a brand and model neutral list of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems…
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Practical Driver Testing Guideline
This Guideline describes common Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) functions and their operational characteristics, including their limitations, and the conditions under which they may be allowed during on-road driver testing. The Guideline…
Guide to Road Safety: Set
Easy access to all parts of the Guide to Road Safety
Guide to Road Safety Part 5: Safe Vehicles
Guide to Road Safety Part 5: Safe Vehicles considers the vehicle factors and features that impact safety outcomes on the road network.
Design and Construction Guidelines for the Delivery of Large Cantilever and Gantry Structures
This guideline documents consistent advice for the design and construction of large cantilever and gantry structures that is aligned with national and international best practice. Over recent years there have been a number of incidents of structural…
Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices
Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Transport Control &ndash
Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings Management
Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings Management is concerned with traffic management at all types of intersections where road users must join or cross another stream of traffic. It focuses on traffic…
Guide to Traffic Management Part 8: Local Street Management
Guide to Traffic Management Part 8: Local Street Management is concerned with the planning and management of road space usage within a local area, to reduce traffic volumes and speeds in local streets, to increase amenity and improve safety and…