
Publication State
Harmonising Road Safety Audit Practices
Road safety audit practices across Australia and New Zealand vary considerably. Transport agencies in both countries have expressed an appetite for a harmonised approach. Austroads project SAG6343 has developed a framework to harmonise road safety…
Webinar: Best Practice for Road Tunnel Wall Panels and Finishes
Austroads has recently completed a project to identify best practice for road tunnel wall panels and finishes to ensure the products achieve performance, access, maintenance, and durability requirements. The best practice research provided through…
Webinar: Austroads Project Pipeline 2023-24
This webinar is beneficial to consultants who may be interested in tendering for Austroads projects. The session covers new Austroads projects lined up for the 2023-24 financial year, Austroads process around research data collection and what is…
Webinar: Best-Practice Guidance for the Design, Delivery and Testing of Road Tunnel Aesthetic Features
Austroads has recently completed a project to identify best-practice guidance for the design, delivery and testing of in-tunnel aesthetic design features, with the aspirations to improve tunnel safety and customer experience. Through the review of…
Road Tunnel Wall Panels and Finishes: Best Practice Approaches
This report documents the best practice approaches for the use of road tunnel wall panels and finishes, which informed the development of a specification framework. This was developed through a workshop with subject-matter experts, review of current…
Design, Delivery and Testing of Road Tunnel Aesthetic Features: Best Practice Approaches
This report outlines a detailed and contemporary review of in-tunnel aesthetic features applied and tested, and how such features can be considered throughout the project lifecycle: planning, design, procurement, operation, maintenance, testing and…