
Publication State
Showing 21 - 30 of 66 Publications
Network Operation Planning: Case Studies and Capability Building
This report sets out the process, findings and recommendations relating to current network operation planning practices in Australia and New Zealand. The resulting material has been used to develop a Reference Material Toolkit / Library to help…
Webinar: Vehicles and Technology – Future State 2030
This webinar, presented by Andrew Somers and John Wall on 6 August 2020, outlines the results of Austroads&rsquo
Network Design for Road Safety (Stereotypes for Cross-sections and Intersections): User Guide
This user guide provides guidance to road managers, planners and designers on achieving improved safety outcomes by applying consistent standards along a road corridor. Thirteen road stereotype tables were identified covering the road network from…
Webinar: Transport Modelling for Project Managers
This webinar, presented by Bryan Li on 9 July 2020, provides an overview of a resource designed to equip practitioners who may not have specific technical experience in transport modelling with clear and practical guidance to help make informed…
Road Cross-section Design for Road Stereotypes (including Network Safety Plans) and a Safe System
This report summarises activities undertaken to produce guidance on road cross-section design for road stereotypes during stage 1 and 2 of this project. The guidance enables road managers, planners and designers to achieve improved safety outcomes…
Webinar: Education and Training for Drivers of Assisted and Automated Vehicles
This webinar, presented on 13 May, identifies the skills, knowledge and behaviours drivers need, now and in the future, to safely operate cars and trucks equipped with higher levels of automation. Building on lessons learned from the aviation sector,…
Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Strategies
Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Strategies provides guidance on traffic management at a network level. It addresses network needs of the various categories of user, the characteristics of various types of network and,…
Education and Training for Drivers of Assisted and Automated Vehicles
This report documents the outcomes of research designed to: examine what role, if any, registration and licensing authorities should undertake to ensure that licence applicants are competent in the use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS
Webinar: Connected and Automated Vehicles Open Data
This webinar, presented on 13 November 2018, outlines the strategic context on the supply of road operator data for connected and automated vehicles use in Australia, and the recommended next steps to navigate through this developing field.
Webinar: Operations of Automated Heavy Vehicles in Remote and Regional Areas
This webinar, presented on 25 September 2018, presents challenges around the introduction of automated heavy vehicles to remote and regional areas and the opportunities for future their use in Australia and New Zealand.