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Showing 41 - 49 of 49 Publications
Modelling of Signalised Intersections: Case Study
This study compares and examines the performance of micro-modelling (SIDRA) and microsimulation (AIMSUN, VISSIM and Q-PARAMICS) in modelling of single signalised intersections. The aim is to contribute to the Austroads NS1371 guidelines by improving…
Freeway Traffic Flow Under Congested Conditions: Literature Review
This report provides a literature review on the analyses of the flow breakdown process on a freeway. It begins with the basic freeway flow theory and automatic freeway control tools now in operation. The factors that contribute to flow breakdowns on…
Microsimulation as a Planning, Operations and Training Aid for Incident Management
This report investigates the appropriateness of microsimulation modelling for the planning, operation and training of incident management in a road network. The methodology for this study includes a literature review and a modelling case study of…
The use and application of microsimulation traffic models
Microsimulation traffic models (MSTMs) have in recent years become accepted as useful tools amongst road and transport authorities to analyse and identify solutions for traffic and transport planning. The synergy between information technologies and…
Economic Evaluation of Road Investment Proposals: Overtaking Lanes - An International Review
This report describes the results of a review of international literature undertaken in 2002 on the evaluation and application of intermittent overtaking lanes on two-way roads in rural traffic environments. This report also contains a comprehensive…
An Approach to the Validation of Road Traffic Noise Models
This document has been prepared by Austroads as a guide to the preparation and assessment of validation studies of traffic noise prediction models, and represents the final outcome of a project with the following key objectives: - the development of…
Traffic Flow Models Allowing for Pedestrians and Cyclists
In the past traditional traffic management has focused on motor vehicles with minimal consideration given to other road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. As a consequence pedestrians and cyclists can often experience mobility constraints and…
Forecasting Demand for Bicycle Facilities
This report examines methods by which demand for cycling under different conditions can be estimated, and provides a framework for analysing data to develop demand forecasts for bicycle use. The report is based on an international review of…
Improving Urban Transport Demand Models and their use
This report arose out of a need to improve Australia's urban transport modelling capability. It seeks to examine the failing of current transport modelling to meet demands, and to scope a range of priority topics for research and action to improve…