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Showing 41 - 50 of 66 Publications
Registration, Licensing and CTP Insurance Issues Associated with Automated Vehicles
This report considers the potential impacts on vehicle registration, driver licensing and compulsory third party (CTP) insurance arrangements that might arise from the introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) in Australia and New Zealand.
The Forrest Review: Driver Licensing and Barriers to Indigenous Economic Participation
The Forrest Review recommends that all Australian State and Territory Governments “introduce a consistent approach to issuing ‘provisional’ locked licences for people who are unable to drive due to unpaid fines or other traffic infringements, so…
Austroads Learning to Drive
The Austroads Learning to Drive handbook is part of a toolkit designed to improve driver licensing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in remote communities.
Force Ratio of Polymer Modified Binders (ARRB Extensiometer)
This test method sets out the procedures for the determination of the force ratio and toughness of bitumen and PMBs under specific conditions of deformation using the ARRB extensiometer.
Options to Extend Coverage of Alcohol Interlock Programs
Despite high levels of community education and sustained enforcement, alcohol-related crashes and drink-driving offences continue to pose a threat to road safety.
Summary of Literature of the Effective Components of Graduated Driver Licensing Systems
This report provides the results of a review of literature examining the effectiveness of different components of graduated driver licensing (GDL).
Design of Bituminous Binder Blends to a Specified Viscosity Value
This test method provides a guideline for the design of a blend of RAP binder, virgin binder, and/or rejuvenating agent to a target viscosity.
A Discussion Paper on Elements of Graduated Licensing Systems for Motorcycle Riders
This report summarises an international review of effective motorcycle rider licensing systems and interventions. It details elements of best practice for motorcycle graduated licensing based on novice motorcycle risk patterns and practice from…
Shear Properties of Polymer Modified Binders (ARRB ELASTOMETER)
This test method sets out the procedures for the determination of consistency, consistency 6%, stiffness and elastic recovery of polymer modified binders (ARRB elastometer), under specific conditions of deformation, using the elastometer developed…
Developing Measures to Reduce Unlicensed Driving
This report considers countermeasures to reduce the incidence of unlicensed driving on Australian roads.