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Showing 31 - 40 of 75 Publications
Determination of Abrasion Loss of Bituminous Slurry (Wet Track Abrasion Test)
This test method sets out the procedure to evaluate the wearing resistance of bituminous slurry surfacing materials under wet abrasion conditions.
Determination of Excess Binder in Bituminous Slurry (Loaded Wheel Test)
This test method sets out the procedure to evaluate bituminous slurry materials for their propensity for binder flushing after subjecting to loaded wheel tracking cycles.
Determination of Set and Cure for Bituminous Slurry (Cohesion Test)
This test method sets out the method for the determination of the setting and curing characteristics of a bituminous slurry as a function of the cohesive strength developed in the mixture with time.
Determination of Optimum Amount of Added Water for Bituminous Slurry (Consistency Test)
This test method sets out the procedure to determine the consistency of a bituminous slurry that is then used to optimise the amount of water required to form a workable mixture. This test may not be applicable to certain microsurfacing mixtures due…
Weather Resistant Steel As Viable Option For Country Timber Bridge Replacements
Steel in bridge construction in Australia has declined significantly over the last 40 years from around 25% of bridges to as low as 5% of bridges in recent years. The main reasons for this have been the proliferation of precast prestressed concrete…
Country Bridge Solutions
  • ABC2017-034-17
  • 20 Apr 2017
  • Bridges
Local councils face the growing challenge, as road authorities, of maintaining and eventually replacing ageing bridges on regional and local roads.
The Dynamics of Footbridges Construction in Kenya: Projects Towards Facilitating Mobility and Connectivity in the Rural Areas
Strategic facilitation of rural mobility and connectivity in Kenya has been a major focus of the government of Republic of Kenya since 2005. For the last 10 years the government has adopted design, implementation and maintenance of foot bridges as…
Reforming Remote and Regional Road Funding in Australia
This report examines the current funding and financing arrangements for regional and remote roads in Australia and considers the implications of road funding reforms.
Defining Asset Management Level of Service Requirements for Freight on Rural Arterial Roads

This report documents the outcomes of surveys of road freight drivers, operators and road infrastructure managers to better understand their asset management level of service (LOS) requirements.

The survey responses identified three primary road…

Options to Extend Coverage of Alcohol Interlock Programs
Despite high levels of community education and sustained enforcement, alcohol-related crashes and drink-driving offences continue to pose a threat to road safety.